outdoor education - faqs
outdoor education faq's
First, send in the response card and work with our staff to reserve a date. Be prepared for questions regarding the estimated size of your group and preferred dates or time of the year. You can then review the teacher’s packet and decide on what exciting activities your students will experience.
The kitchens contain a refrigerator, stove oven, coffee pot, and microwave. Utensils, paper products, and pots and pans are not supplied.
The number of people served on the contract is an estimate. You will need to provide Camp Chandler with a final, guaranteed number one week prior to your arrival. This guaranteed number will be used for ordering the food, scheduling activities, reserving accommodations, and staff hiring purposes. Camp Chandler will bill for whichever number is higher, the guaranteed number or the actual number.
Feel free to call (334) 538-4658 or (334) 229-0035 if you have any questions or concerns. Our staff will be glad to help. Campers, however, do not have access to e-mail, fax, or phones during their stay.
Yes! After coordinating your trip with a representative from The Wilderness Y, you will be assigned “Trail Groups”. The number of Trail Groups will depend on the number of students your school has, as well as the number of Naturalists available during your visit. The Lead Teacher then divides the students up into the number of Trail Groups. Many teachers make nametags for their students that include their Trail Group number and/or the cabin they are assigned to.
Lost and Found is collected and presented daily to children. Remaining items are washed and bagged up by week. If not claimed one month after the camp session, items are then donated to a charity. Camp has limited space to warehouse lost and found.
Yes, we have the following items available at the camp store – drinks, slushies, candy, chips, souvenirs (frisbees, T-shirts, water bottles, stuffed animals, flashlights, hackeysacks, and more).
Yes, Camp Chandler has been a member of the American Camp Association for more than 20 years. Every three years, accredited camps go through a visitation and accreditation process that reviews every part of the camp operation.
Student supervision at night in the lodges is conducted by chaperones. Teachers are provided separate housing. We recommend one chaperone for every five students.
They are modern, heated, and air conditioned buildings with the bathrooms located inside the buildings.
Yes, please. It must be signed by a parent or guardian for all participants under 18.
Just schedule it with our staff. We will build and light the fire for you. All you need is your singing voice and optional s’more makings.
The Lead Teacher. After coordinating the trip with a representative from The Wilderness Y, you will be told what cabins will be made available for your school group. It is up to the Lead Teacher to assign students with their cabins. Remember, no boys in girl’s cabins and no girls in boy’s cabins! Moms can’t sleep in the same cabin as their son, and Dads can’t sleep in the same cabin as their daughter.
For the majority of the stay, The Wilderness Y Naturalists are in charge of the students. Each child is assigned to a “Trail Group” which is led by a Naturalist and accompanied by Chaperones. Teachers are encouraged to stay with a Trail Group, or move from one Trail Group to another, observing as many Trail Groups as possible. At no time is a child allowed to be without an adult while at Camp Chandler.
Almost all of The Wilderness Y classes occur outside, rain or shine! It is important that students be prepared and pack accordingly. At the first sign of hazardous weather, we move students to safety. Safety has to be our top priority!
For the majority of the stay, The Wilderness Y Naturalists are in charge of the students. Each child is assigned to a “Trail Group” which is led by a Naturalist and accompanied by Chaperones. Teachers are encouraged to stay with a Trail Group, or move from one Trail Group to another, observing as many Trail Groups as possible. At no time is a child allowed to be without an adult while at Camp Chandler.
Tennis shoes. No jewelry is allowed.
Camp Chandler is eight minutes from Elmore Community Hospital. Camp Chandler has 911 service. A staff member trained in CPR and First Aid is on hand at all times. Camp Chandler has an AED, inhaler, and epipen on hand for emergencies. Camp Chandler’s standing orders are reviewed annually by a local physician.
The camp number is (334) 567-4933. The emergency number is (334) 538-4658.
No, if they bring them, they will be taken away and held in the camp office for the duration of their stay at camp.
Camp Chandler has a tornado siren and a lightning detector on the camp grounds. The camp has designated storm shelters and has developed emergency action plans.
Yes, there is a full salad bar and non-meat options at meals.
Yes. Through donations to our Partners with Youth Program, Camp Chandler is able to offer one scholarship for every 10 students you bring. We want no child to be left behind. Please contact our staff for more information.
A bed and mattress are provided. You will need bedding (blanket and sheets or a sleeping bag), a towel, and toiletries.