

The Interpersonal Relations Youth Leadership Program (IPRYL) is collaboration between the YMCA, Montgomery Public Schools, and local Private schools. High School Juniors and Seniors (Big Buddies) are paired with 1st – 3rd Graders in local elementary schools (Little Buddies) in a mentoring relationship 3 days a week in the Little Buddy’s school.

The Big Buddies spend 7 weeks learning about Childhood development, tutoring, and working tighter as a team to solve problems. Classes are led by a facilitator, who is a High School teacher, with outside speakers. After this time of learning, the Big Buddies meet their Little Buddies who are selected by their guidance counselors and teachers as needing a little help catching up with their classmates. The Big Buddies spend Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday meeting with their students and Monday and Friday discussing their week with their class and receiving more training.

Parents and teachers often comment on the changes that are seen in both the Little Buddy and the Big Buddy. The Little Buddies realize that someone cares about them and their success and the Big Buddies learn about the responsibilities of raising a child and the importance of building assets in the lives of children.

Big Buddies and Little Buddies will also get to have two retreats during the school year. The fall retreat is held at Camp Grandview and the Spring Fling Retreat is held at Camp Chandler.

Want to get involved?

Contact Sam Adams
(334) 229-0039