
Food Sensitivities And How An Elimination Diet Can Help You


Food Sensitivities Can Be Solved

Food sensitivities are a common occurance but rarely are known. Everybody is different and for that reason everybody’s body reacts to different foods in different ways. You may be 1 elimination diet away from taking back your life!

In an article written by John Berardi, Ph.D. for Presision Nutrition, he explains more. He says:

Food sensitivities are more common than you may thinkā€” and they can cause acne, allergies, migraines, and more. Find out if you need to adjust your regular menu with an elimination diet.

Feelingā€¦ not great? Wondering if your mood could be better? Got a skin problem thatā€™s been bugging you for years? Itā€™s worth exploring whether a food sensitivity is to blame.

Though we donā€™t know exactly how many people they affect, food sensitivities arenā€™t as rare as you might think. And eating foods that donā€™t agree with you can do a number on your GI system, causing a cascade of effects that inflict damage elsewhere in your body.

The gold standard for hunting sensitivities down? Elimination diets, which remove certain foods from your life temporarily, giving you the opportunity to reintroduce them in a ā€œcontrolledā€ environment and trace any symptoms to their source.

It may be daunting to think about a six-week elimination diet, but if you plan accordingly, youā€™ll succeed. Print this guide and hang it in your kitchen to be 100 percent prepared for the journey.

Click here to continue reading and get the download guide.

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