We highlight poetry from staff, members and volunteers to showcase their God-given talent for writing. Poetry is the song of words that pass intense messages through rhymes.
The YMCA of Christ
Your path is right before me
My choice to go or stay
Christ, you put me right here
A servant at YMCA
You are the one true Shepherd
May I always seek your face
Christ my Lord and Savior
Always in your embrace
Years of hiding from you
May have had a price
Christ, healer/forgiver
Away my sin and vice
Yet when I fall and stumble
May I always reach for you
Christ my constant helper
A fortress strong and true
Yesterday no longer haunts me
My slate is clean and bright
Christ my true redeemer
A light in darkest night
You gave me just the right place
May I follow in your way
Christ the holy servant
A model for YMCA