The YMCA of Greater Montgomery Helping Teens Prepare For College and Careers
“The summer has ended and my happy days are about to vanish before my eyes as I embark upon a new phase in my life. The YMCA Achievers Summer Program was a great experience and I had the opportunity to visit several colleges which gave me more knowledge to help me prepare for the career I want to achieve. Attending the work shop on self-esteem has helped me to attempt new tasks and challenges and take pride in accomplishments.
I was fortunate to experience a wonderful trip to the Christian Values Conference this year which has prepared me for life’s future. This trip has taught me valuable lessons in different horizons of my journey. I was so excited although nervous at the same time because this was my very first trip away from home without my family. I really appreciate my mom and dad because they started the ball rolling with making preparations: supplies, expenses, luggage, transportation, support, encouragement were some of the necessities for the trip. This within itself made me become aware that wherever you go, you must first prepare yourself. I must admit also that being at the conference allowed me the opportunity to see and know how important it is to set goals and explore ways to achieve them.
You are never too young or old to learn new adventures. First, I had to examine myself to discover what I had within to offer to society. This conference was just the right avenue to get me on the straight path. It allowed me to expand outside of my comfort zone and experienced a world waiting treasures of gold! One in particular fascinated me was the opportunity to role play with a real family that was considered to be my own. It was quite amusing, but there was a lesson to be learned. You should never take your own family for granted. Yes, it was fun and I realized that no two households are the same, but now I really appreciate and love my own family like never before! The most challenging part of the conference was climbing the mountain. It was hot, long, hard, and rugged, but I made it to the top! Life’s journey is a parable to this scenario in that it teaches you that you can achieve whatever you set your mind to do. I will always remember this trip because it allowed to get away from all to the negativity of life and enjoyed the beautiful nature and creation of God. My philosophy is now that I have been exposed to the outer rim of my family, I will be no more afraid to entertain neither strangers nor will I forget the fact that we are all human beings that are longing to be loved and nurtured.” – Edric Thomas, Jr.