Alabama Pre-K
Alabama’s state-funded First Class Pre-K program, has been awarded the highest quality rating by the National Institute for Early Education Research for the past 16 years is now being offered through 10 classrooms at our YMCAs at the Goodtimes Center, Grandview YMCA, Cleveland Avenue YMCA, Kershaw YMCA, East YMCA, and Tulane Gardens.
Using a multi-pronged approach, the Office of School Readiness has implemented evidence-based strategies and methods grounded in research literature to assure that all Alabama 4-year-olds have access to excellent early learning classrooms in their communities. According to the experts, an investment in early preschool education can have positive longterm impacts, including improvements in math and reading scores, and reductions in retention in grade and special education placements. The Alabama First Class Pre-K program supports quality, accountability, and student outcomes that extend well beyond kindergarten entry.
Numerous research studies have shown that students who participated in high-quality pre-kindergarten programs are less likely to repeat a grade, require remedial education, or be placed in special education; score higher on achievement tests; are more likely to graduate from high school and go on to college; get higher paying salaries as adults; and are more likely to stay out of prison and off welfare.
The Office of School Readiness defines “school readiness” as a condition whereby children enter school with:
- An enthusiasm for learning;
- An ability to function in a social setting;
- Age-appropriate communication and problem-solving skills; and
- Optimal health
- Program Name: YMCA of Montgomery
- Site Code: 687965
East Family YMCA Pre-K Program
Contact: 334-272-3390
Grandview Family YMCA Pre-K Program ($40 monthly tuition)
Contact: 334-290-9622
Cleveland Avenue YMCA Pre-K Progran
Contact: 334-265-0566
Kershaw Pre-K Program
Contact: 334-265-0566
Tulane Gardens Pre-K Program
Contact: 334-265-0566
Goodtimes Center Pre-K Program
Contact: 334-279-8666
Required Documents: Completed Registration Form and a current utility bill as proof of Alabama residency. Also, a blue immunization form is required before child enters school.
Acceptance to the program is through a random selection process. The registered applicant must meet the residency requirements and complete the essential documents set forth by the program. Children who are eligible for kindergarten are ineligible to register. Children will not be denied participation on the basis of income, sex, race, color, national origin, or disability.
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- Search for Organization: YMCA of Greater Montgomery and select any of our 6 YMCA sites; Goodtimes Center, East Family YMCA, Cleveland Avenue YMCA, Kershaw YMCA, Grandview YMCA, and Tulane Gardens.
For more information email